Friday, April 30, 2010

How long will Republicans rant about the fact that when Obama is sworn in his middle name will be used?

Let them rant!

These are the same people who don't find the names of Sarah Palin's children weird ... Bristol, Piper, Willow, Track, and Trig ... then of course we have past presidential hopefuls ... Newt and Mitt ... and let's not forget George W.'s somewhat unusual middle name ... 'Walker' and his brother is 'Jeb'.How long will Republicans rant about the fact that when Obama is sworn in his middle name will be used?
Wow, between your question and the answer you selected, you are exactly the same as the people you rant about.... interesting. I amy end up using this question as an example in future questions. Very interesting.

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How long will Republicans rant about the fact that when Obama is sworn in his middle name will be used?
Well damn, you guys need to make up your minds and so does Obama. During the campaign, Obama and you guys had a snit fit because somebody used his middle name. Now that he's being sworn in it's ok to use his middle name but it's not ok to comment about it. I can predict which way the wind is going to blow easier than I can figure out what the hell you guys on the left are going to decide is politically correct. Make up you minds, please.
I think the rant was about how anyone who used it during the election campaign was labelled ';racist';. Barry Sotero picked that name out for himself, it's not like those of us who had a name they don't like hung on them at birth. I don't care if it was ';Saddam';. The names I object to being used, are the same one as previous Presidents, especially if they are closely related.

PS - You can wave to russian ships and aircraft from Alaskan territory more often than you think, I wonder if the fear of an Alaskan governor is she would go to war with russia over it, current Putin-inspired propaganda in Russia

is that either the sale was ';illegal'; or just a ';lease';, and they desire it back. The constant smears of Palin shows some kind of fear, which I just find funny, let the dems obssess about her another four years, as they will have a shortage of reps to make fun of or scapegoat in Washington.
Really don't know how long some will complain about that one, but here's another way of looking at this issue, how long did the Dem's rant about Reps using his middle name during the campaign..oh that's right all through the campaign. Some really got trashed for using it.
Why in the world would I rant over that? After all, that is his middle name.

I can't speak for my fellow republicans, but I have accepted the fact that he will soon be my president and I just pray that God gives him wisdom to lead our country.
I think it was just the nutso right wing talkers ranting about this, and you never know what they'll do; the three stooges kept up with eye poking for years and years. Depends on how long it keeps their fans entertained.

Peachy - thanks for praying for Obama. I prayed for Bush, that he would not do something so stupid that it got us all killed; and that prayer has been answered.
What? I've heard very little about it. what difference does it make, it IS his middle name.

If Obama has a problem with it he can change his name.

Hasn't he already changed his name a number of times to suit his needs? Like, to hide his Indonesian citizenship?
Well I'm not a righr winger / Republican, and remember during Primaries and Presidential runnings to say his middle name was to be called a racist. Funny how his campaign people have turned the tables on that spin and the media behind them.
Atleast as long as Democrats continue to rant about Palin and her family even though the election is over.
The point of the argument is that Obama and his corrupt cronies said that anyone who used his middle name was being a bigot. He didn't use it himself. Now, he hs insisted on being sworn in using his middle name.

I don't care. It is amusing though that during the campaign his followers threw hissy fits when someone used his middle name. Now, all of a sudden, it's okay. What an odd bunch of people, flip flopping just like Obama has.
I just wonder why DEMOCRATS aren't ranting about it. They, after all, are the ones who so violently opposed the use of his middle name during the campaigns.

I suspect Republicans will ';rant'; about it as long as they please.
They have to find something to rant about. Remember these are the people who wanted to elect a candidate who thought she had experience because she could wave to Russia.
i think repubs are over it and can't wait for him to be sworn in using his full legal name. it will be a moment in history. i, for one, never ranted about it. that is his name.
I only heard about it one time...And that was when Obama said it...I haven't heard anyone 'ranting' about it...

How long do YOU plan to rant about people possibly ranting about something?
Republicans will rant as long his term goes just as well as the Dems do also for someone else.
Not a rant, but the middle name causes shivers up and down my spine. I won't be tuning in any TV that day. I'll be reading some fiction novels instead
Who knows? The Democrats are still getting mileage out of Al Gore's failed attempts to steal Florida in the 2000 election so it might be a while.
Probably as long as you rant about them ranting.
As long as they want to. And longer if the rants continue to elicit a response.
For about 4 years AFTER they get one of their own in the White House again.
Are you sure his middle name will be used? I'll be willing to bet that Mr. Obama doesn't use it.
The GOP just can't get over it.

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