Saturday, January 9, 2010

Do you ever suddenly get the urge to rant about something you don't really care that strongly about?

Sometimes I do that. I'll be talking about something that really doesn't matter and then suddenly find myself ranting about it like it's totally important.Do you ever suddenly get the urge to rant about something you don't really care that strongly about?
I did that with politics around election time. I got really defensive and aggressive, even though I really didn't care. I regret some of the things I said...Do you ever suddenly get the urge to rant about something you don't really care that strongly about?
Yes sometimes I find myself arguing with people I totally agree with. I am not sure why.
yea rofl. im kinda bad with that and my friends always have to like yell or smack me upside the head to get back into reality rofl
yeah, all the time.

I rant about everything.
All the time, my most recent was ranting about how people are stupid because they think sex and gender are the same thing when they're not.

stupid I know
Yea!! ....Like Politics!!!!
lol, me something to do!
no not really
Why do decent white folks shop at n------ yard sales?

To get all their stuff back.
The ';MAN'; and why is out to get me.
Nope....not at all! :) It's a waste of time to me.
lol - no
No, why waste my breath...?
yes... it happens to me too.
lol, I do that too. Even for something I'm against.

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