Saturday, January 9, 2010

Do you really know what you are talking about when you rant about illegal immigration?

Or are you just spouting racist opinoins? Do you really think people are taking your jobs - a job that you applied for and didn't get because an employer hired an immigrant over you? Have you ever been to a border town in Mexico and seen how horrible the living conditions are? Do you really worry about terrorists coming in through the border? I know I am going to get a lot of a@#-hole comments but hopefully people will have some real information to back up what they are going to say.Do you really know what you are talking about when you rant about illegal immigration?
Thank you for posting a sensible question.

Illegal immigrants do not take jobs from Americans, they do the jobs Americans will not do. They take the sh*ttiest jobs America has to offer, with low pay, no health benefits, disrespectful supervisors and horrible work conditions.

Here's what we should really be pissed about:

Large rich companies that decide to outsource American jobs to countries like India, and China because they can pay the workers less money than they would have to pay us. Did you know that all American tax returns are processed in India? Talk about a security breach! Have you ever tried to call Customer Service only to speak with someone in India or China and have an hour long conversation with no resolution because in the end you couldn't really understand the person because of the accent?

Why are people so angry at hispanics?

Why don't they feel anger toward their rich American bretheren that conciously choose to put us out of a job so they can save a little money and become even richer?Do you really know what you are talking about when you rant about illegal immigration?
Yes I am very well aware of what I am talking about. And when I read statements such as yours that includes the word ';Racist'; I then conclude I am dealing with either an uneducated or just an ignorant person. You could be both? Who knows?
Yes I know what I am talking about.
Yes , I know what I'm talking about ....but YOU ??

I have nothing against people coming to the US and try to make a new life here !!

Well I think that their rants as well as the pro illegals rants are validated in that illegal immigrants are a drain on our society as far as welfare and medical attention goes, and pro illegals go on about how illegals just want a better life and that is fine too. What it comes down to is illegal is just that, ILLEGAL. But at the same time, we cannot make it so easy for them to get in, find work, and qualify for benefits and then complain that they take advantage of these things. Also one cannot come in illegally and just expect a handout without thinking there will be people really angry about this. And while anti illegals willsay that the only reason people are pro illegal are for humane reasons, we have to admit that up until now (and lets be honest folks) being humane and not deporting them (or shooting them as some would prefer) has overruled using what authority we have to make sure they follow laws and are prosecuted when not. Because lets face it, the laws are there, and theyre so obviously being broken, but this is not something new, this been going on forever, maybe not to this extent, but it has been there. Sure, deport the ones in our jails and in gangs and the ones using our welfare and Medi-cal benefits fraudulantly, but shouldnt we also enforce our own rules and laws that because we dont have been so terribly taken advantage of??!! Just a thought!!
Well lets see, with them in my city came more crime, more and more and more drugs , at the meat packing house near here, they now make almost what they made per hour 20 years ago. When you rent to one ( or they tell you one) soon are 5, 10,or even more. Oh and yes i've been to mexico, and i still they they could stay there and make things better, it can be done.
Uncontrolled immigration has many adverse effects on local economies and standards of living. Illigal immigration results in substantially higher costs for local communities to build more schools, hire more teachers, supply more uninsured health care, provide more police and fire resources. That's just a beginning. Throw in the security issue and you open up another can of worms. Since 9-11; the first and foremost priority item was to ensure that all access into our nation is secure. Be it , by aid, sea or land. No one should be entering this country without permission to do so. We should now whom is entering our country, for what purpose and for how long. The same as anyone whom would be coming to stay in your home, how many are coming over, why are they visiting and how long are they staying. Not unreasonable at all. Now, if the entire purpose of unsecured borders is to ensure a low cost labor force, then the Bush Administration is doing a great job in ensuring that a secure border takes the longest time possible so that corporate and agricultural interests are able to take advantage of low cost labor for the longest time possible. I do support a guest worker program for jobs that most americans have no interest in doing. By having a guest worker program, you know whom is coming over, for how long and the reason why. Your able to run identity checks before the person is granted a guest worker Visa;t hereby, reducing the impact of those whom are coming here with criminal intent. No, not racist at all, however, am concerned with uncontrolled immigration and it's impact on our society, our welfare and our security. Once a guest worker program is enacted; the low costs for these guest workers will increase as the number of illegals will decrease and employers will be required to provide health benefits to their 'now'legal labor force. This is the primary reason why a 'guest worker' program is taking so long. By having a guest worker program, it will cost employers a lot more to have a 'legal' work force. The Bush administration knows this; however, they attempt to control the dialogue by saying that they are in support of a guest worker program realizing that it will take a long time to implement as many Americans are against any importation of either low-skilled or high-skilled foreign labor.
Yes, I think the economic consequences of illegal immigration are well argued already. Yes, I do worry that terrorists can cross into this country with ease. If they wanted to bring in components for a dirty bomb, our Southern border would be the way to do it.

Note that ALL the discussion here is about ILLEGAL activity. No-one is suggesting that there is anything wrong with legal immigration. Legal immigrants wait for years, complying with our laws, to have the opportunity to enjoy life in the US. We welcome them but reject the line-jumping illegals.
Yes we know what we're talking about!

$200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages.鈥?/a>

The illegal aliens drive down the wages of American jobs so low that Americans can't support their families anymore and have to find work else where.

In the New HOMELAND SECURITY REPORT they stated that Al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist are coming from the Mexican boarder with Mexico's help! As many as 19,500 people from terrorist countries have crossed into the United States from Mexico!鈥?/a>

During 2005 as many as 4 - 10 MILLION illegal aliens crossed into the United States illegally.

During 2005, Boarder Patrol apprehended approximately 1.2 million illegal aliens; of those 165,00 were from Countries other than Mexico. Of the non-Mexican aliens, approximately 650 were from special interest countries. (Terrorist countries)

Homeland Security Report, Page - 4

There is an ever-present threat of terrorist infiltration over the Southwest boarder. U.S. immigration and Customs Enforcement investigations have revealed that aliens were smuggled from the Middle East to staging areas in the Central and South America, before being smuggled illegally into the United States.

Members of Hezbollah have already entered the United States across the Southwest boarder.

U.S. Military and intelligence officials believe that Venezuela is emerging as a potential hub of terrorism in the Western Hemisphere. The Venezuelan government is issuing identity documents that could subsequently be used to obtain a U.S. visa and enter the country.
Yes I do, I know more about illegal immigration than you know I am living in a town that is infested with illegals and nothing is getting done. It sickens me
There is a waiting list years long of people who have applied for permission to immigrate. It can take 5+ years just to get approval to join family members who are already legal US residents. It is a slap in the face of every one of those law-abiding people who have followed the rules to tolerate people who have broken the law and sneaked into the country illegally.

';Undocumented workers';? Spare me the spin. They're not people who have mislaid their paperwork, they're ILLEGAL ALIENS and all the euphemisms in the world won't change that.

If there is in fact a shortage of workers to fill jobs in the US, then we should admit more of the people who have followed the rules and have been patiently waiting their turn. Illegal immigrants, whether they're from Mexico or England or the Moon, should be tossed right back where they came from and permanently barred from immigrating to the US.

For me, it's not really about jobs, or terrorism, or any of that. It's about who we want to have living in the US: People who obey the laws even when it is personally inconvenient, or people whose very presence in this country is the result of them committing a crime.
Yes. Do you know that our kids go to college and trade school to be carpenters, construction,etc...

But instead, Businesses hire illegal immigrants to save money on taxes and pay them half as much!

Do you know! Mexicans have the highest teen pregancy and WHO pays for it! WE DO! They cant afford the hospital bills!!! We PAY for them to be in JAIL, to go to the HOSPITAL, to go to SCHOOL, and all there welfare!!!

The ILLEGAL immigrants have severly hurt society! everyone except Big Business, who are the only ones who want them here! The Mexican government hoards their money for is their fault they cant help their citizens....Yes, its a sad story....BUT is not our job to carry these BURDEN....America is great but we cannot help the entire world with their problems...we have our own to worry about....We have MANY LEGAL citizens that have fought for our country and payed their dues that are homeless and need help....WE CANNOT sit here and try to help these freeloaders by letting them ILLEGAL against our constitution, take the advantages so many of our ancestors have fought for!!!!!!
I have applied for plenty of jobs that I didn't get at places that primarily hire illegals. This is a common experience in my town. It is not racist to tell it the way it is. Even if the invaders are purple.

I really don't care what their excuses are for coming and taking what belongs to citizens of all races. We are entitled to be served first. And they need to get in line.

I sometimes find it amusing that so many pro-illegals think illegals only work in the fields. It's too bad that they have no idea what they are talking about. Who will be left to defend them when the illegals come for their jobs?
Living in Texas, I know exactly what I am talking about. It has to stop. I know their country is a ****hole, but that doesn't give them the right to turn ours into one. ROUND THEM UP AND SEND THEM HOME.
HMMM lets see. It doesn't matter about the qualification that you have at a job. There is this thing called minorities. It is Federal Law to hire X amount of minority's. So if you are Mexican regardless if you are illegal which in this case lets just say that he has stolen someones ID. So Yes. That Mexican will get a job over me.

I really think you should know your facts before you rant and rave about this topic.

Yes, I am well away of the fact of those condition people live in. They are still ABLE TO COME OVER ';LEGALLY'; WHAT IS SO HARD ABOUT THAT. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE THEN ';ILLEGAL AND LEGALLY'.

I think I could talk about must of us. We do not care if or how they come over just do it legally.
Yes, I do know what I am talking about. There is a method by which a person can enter the country. Follow it. Why is that racisit?

BTW, for those that want to say those are jobs that Americans will not do...then who was doing it before the illegals?
I Make Everything Up As I Go Along鈥?/a>
Wake up and smell Juan Valdez! If you truly believe that illegals are not taking jobs here from American citizens, you are living in an earthy granola fantasy land. YES, the illegals are taking jobs here, and I am sorry, but it's NOT America's responsibility to examine the plight of Mexico when we only have to look right here in our own country to find poverty, jobless, homeless, starving, people with NO HEALTH COVERAGE - And these American citizens cannot get help from the government! There aren't enough jobs paying SH!T and there's no benefits, and they make a tad too much to qualify for Medicaid!! There are injured people, unemployed people. Some jobs want to hire minorities, some won't hire women. We have so many of our OWN problems right here in America that we don't have to look at Mexico's problems. I say we clean up our own yard before looking over our own fence at what the neighbors have. And I don't want to see illegals squatting on our soil. You want to come here to live and work? - DO IT LEGALLY. If America would pay its workers fair pay for the ';sh!t jobs'; it would keep a lot of the illegals out. I was born here and I don't want to see illegals coming here with their kids to overpopulate us when I cannot ever find decent paying work or get health coverage. Sorry, but I have my own problems.
Um, didn't they already catch some guys sneaking through the US/Mexico border that were part of some group etc? How about the drugs, do you like that kind of stuff? Mexico's got a LOT of crime because of all of that, is that what you want in america?

Choose carefully...I say build the fence, and if you really care about living conditions in Mexico so much, why don't you go TEACH people to fix them? I'll tell you why, because there's no money in it. You'd have to be a bible-thumping selfless humanitarian to want to do that, and I don't see nearly as many of those running around as I used to.

Bluntly spoken, if the welfare and other monies were cut off, illegal immigration would dry up, and blow away. Our country is one of the few that is as generous as it is that way, and I think in some ways, it's coming back to bite us in the ***.

I support open debate on the issue, and more facts and less sentiment. Knowing you have a problem is the first step in fixing it, knowing just HOW big the problem lets you come up with better answers...they're now saying about a million people a year are entering the country illegally...more than that, but about a million make it, estimated. I don't know how big that number would have to be to make you feel concerned, but I don't think it's right to have drug armies and the rest of it decide to make america their 'turf' etc. I don't think it's right that we should have to hear any more of this 'you stole our land from us' garbage. I don't think it's right that other countries are now basically DEMANDING money etc from the United States, or ELSE, that kind of thing.

How far we've fallen, in just 40 years. It'll be a rude awakening for a lot of people when that welfare office closes...
Ive said it before, and I say it again. If your deffinition of Racist is someone that wants an end to illegal immigration, then I am a racist, end of story!
Yes. And, I have been to many Mexican border towns, the operative word here being ';Mexican.'; Perhaps you should direct your efforts to pressuring the corrupt government of Mexico to clean up their own mess, instead of promotiong the U.S. as their dumping ground.
Enforcing laws is not a racist act. We are a country of laws which are supposed to apply to all. If a person has crossed an internationally recognized border without proper documentation, that person has broken the law.

Has an illegal alien ever taken a job from me? NO.

And yes, i absolutely am concerned that terrorists are coming across the border. If you recall also, the Sept 11th hijackers were here illegally.

The typical argument for letting the illegals stay is that they are, ';just looking for a better life.'; Committing a crime is not usually the first step to a better life.
being ANTI-ILLEGAL is not the same as racist.

We are trying to protect our country from ILLEGALS which equates to crime, disease, abuse of our health and educational systems.
have you seen some of the horrible living conditions some families in this country are living in, that need help and can't get it, because the illegals are using up the budgets?
There are several questions there.

Am I concerned over the illegal immigration because of them taking American Jobs? Not really, as it has been stated many time the majority of jobs that they take most/all Americans do not want.

Am I concerned over the Terrorist coming through the border? Very much! I consider the necessity to secure the our borders a requirement of National Security more than anti-illegal immigration.

Am I concerned about the growing amount of money spent due to the actions of Illegal Immigrants? Yes, that money could be much better spent on legal citizens of the USA.

Do I know what I am talking about when I speak on Illegal Immigration? Yes.
yes, I do think I know what I am talking about.

its not just jobs, the bigger problem is the drain on the American because we as tax payers have to pay for there medical care and welfare benefits when they have an anchor baby. there are hospitals on the borders that may go out of business because of this, and taxes have also been raised just because of this. its billions of dollars for us all.

And as long as the borders are open all a terrorist has to do is walk across or boat in. I mean I live on lake Erie in Ohio, All a -person has to do is have a boat and sail across and no one would be the wiser. And the idiots don't want the Coast guard to do war games on the lake because it might hurt the fish

I live in Arizona,I am against illegal aliens because of the higher taxes I have to pay because of them.I know what the border towns are like,its not my problem.I don't want my city and my state to become like those town are.Do you know what its like ,do you have to carry a weapon with you every where you go to protect your self and your property?.Perhaps you are the one that could use an education .I am sick of the problems.Come to my city and let me show you around.You will be joining the Minute Men in a day.....I am a rancher and I know what I'm talking about.It has NOTHING to do with who the illegal is ,only that they are illegal.

Heres what it costs my state for illegal aliens

The $1.3 billion in costs incurred by Arizona taxpayers is comprised of outlays in the following areas:

Education. Based on estimates of the illegal immigrant population in Arizona and documented costs of K-12 schooling, Arizonans spend approximately $820 million annually on education for illegal immigrant children and for their U.S.-born siblings.

Health Care. Uncompensated medical outlays for health care provided to the state鈥檚 illegal alien population is now estimated at about $400 million a year.

Incarceration. The cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in Arizona prisons and jails amounts to about $80 million a year (not including the monetary costs of the crimes that led to their incarceration).

The unauthorized immigrant population pays some state and local taxes that go toward offsetting these costs, but they do not come near to matching the expenses. The total of such payments might generously be estimated at $257 million per year.

Mendi...No they do not all pay taxes,you dont pay tax on cash and you know it,and they do get wefare thru illegal ID and stolen or bought papers.You have a vested interested your own husband,you are blinded by love

Nothing wrong with loving some one, but dont let love blind you to facts..

And no one can take my job,and there is no job that a legal American wont do.thats an out and out falicy,a myth.....
Uh NOOOOOOOOO!! most people are just ranting! I live on the biggest border city in Texas and probably the whole US.....Hey we have one of the safest cities in the whole USA.....Illegals just come, do their day work and go home to Mexico....Sure some live here illegally and they bother NO ONE.....All the crimes committed are by local citizens! Its just all rooted in racism...Great question...!
I do know what I am talking about, I have been through immigration for my husband to get his residency and I talk to illegal immigrants and know that they DO pay taxes, and that they DONT get welfare.
I agree with you!!!!! I think people just need or want to rant and rave about something. If we do not hire them for the jobs in the fields I don't think you will find people standing in line to take their job that is why we have so many migrant workers they are doing jobs that Americans don't want to do.

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