Saturday, January 9, 2010

Why do the goofs on Air America still rant about impeaching Bush and Cheney?

Granted, almost no one listens to them except the lowest common denominator of liberal.Why do the goofs on Air America still rant about impeaching Bush and Cheney?
Yeah, but the thing is, there are a lot of lowly liberals out there. So, I guess they feel they still have a chance...Why do the goofs on Air America still rant about impeaching Bush and Cheney?
It takes all kinds. I heard the other end of the spectrum this evening. This guy was saying that Bush was the greatest president ever. I got to hear this drivel while filling up my tank with $4 a gallon gas. I nearly tore the radio out of my car.
Because not everyone in this country is brainwashed by the Bush Administration, and does not forgive his lies that got us into a War, where 4000 American solders have been killed. If any of them had been your brother, or father, you'd be asking for their impeachments, too!
They should be impeached for deliberately misleading us into war, for illegally spying on Americans, and for turning America into a rogue nation that imprisons and tortures people illegally.
Because president bush is a liar, remember the wmd's? I still don't see that as a mistake. Bush lied and the rest of the world was trying to tell us at the time.
...because...Bush and Cheney should be impeached for invading Iraq for reasons they lied about (WMD's.....LOL!). The question should be...why haven't they impeached them yet? WTF are they waiting for?
Impeachment is too good for them. Bush and Cheney are war criminals. They deserve to be bundled off to The Hague, tried, and sentenced to prison terms.
It's something that SHOULD be done, but it's rather pointless at this point...most people just want Bush to be gone and start fixing everything he screwed up
No, right now they're mostly making fun of McCain criticizing the way Hillary's campaign is being run.
Didn't you hear about the writers strike?
Because they are war criminals. Thousands have died, and $ trillions wasted. Are we safer now?

Because they are goofs and total idiots. They know that no one is listening, so they can get away with almost anything; it make them feel good....
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