Saturday, January 9, 2010

Is there some kind of forum where homeschoolers can rant about homeschooling?

I've had to deal with a lot of frustrating relatives recently and would really like to blow off some steam, but in a place where it will be received sympathetically and perhaps let another homeschooler know that (s)he isn't alone in feeling pissed off about something.

I haven't found anything decent on Google.Is there some kind of forum where homeschoolers can rant about homeschooling?
Try searching in Yahoo Groups. You might even be able to find a local support group in there. I know in mine we are definitely sympathetic to those who feel the need to release!Is there some kind of forum where homeschoolers can rant about homeschooling?
So, you are a homeschool student and not a mom, right?

Most of the groups I know of are for adults and not children.

My advice to you is to speak to your parents about your relatives.

That would produce the best results.

And if you want to vent? How bout your friends?

Or maybe you could (when you are old enough) start your own yahoo group. I don't know if there is an age limit or not.
There are several homeschooling forums (groups) on you might want to check out.
I'm not sure of a forum but I'm sure most homeschoolers have had to deal with the same things I know I have and am very sympathetic. I have been HSing for 12 yrs. and still my mother trys to provoke me on occasion. Try's to see how much my kids really know etc.
That is definitively a well known problem among most home school families.

I am not sure of groups like that, most are specific to one form of teaching, or another.

You may try Yahoo groups - home school support

I agree with Glurpy. I am member of several support groups on Yahoo and it helps me just to read about others with ';issues'; similar to mine.

I get the posts in a daily digest so it does not fill up my mail box.

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