Saturday, January 9, 2010

How much did Michael Richard's racist rant affect the legacy of the Seinfeld series?

Does it change anything for you?How much did Michael Richard's racist rant affect the legacy of the Seinfeld series?
didn't change anything at all for me has been so long since the series ended, and michael has dropped so far off the radar since then it really didn't matter; the rant did nothing but change people's perceptions of Michael personally, but did not affect the character of KramerHow much did Michael Richard's racist rant affect the legacy of the Seinfeld series?
It really affected Richards' career, it seems like. And it seems it should have. But for me, it has no effect on my enjoyment of ';Seinfeld.'; The show went off the air more than ten years ago, right? So it seems like ancient history somehow.
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