Saturday, January 9, 2010

Do you not answer singels and dating questions because people rant FOR EVER?

I like the singles and dating section, I think there's some interesting questions and I like offering advice to people however I've started avoiding the section because people rant for like 50 paragraphs.

It also seems like there's too many 14 year olds asking, does he like me?Do you not answer singels and dating questions because people rant FOR EVER?
You know you're right! I too like to answer the single and dating section, but there are some with long paragraphs and they can't seem to get to the point. Though there are some really interesting questions out there. Then again I see at least 20 questions that ask ';does he like me';? or ';How can I get him to like me';?

Do you not answer singels and dating questions because people rant FOR EVER?
haha, sometimes i feel that way too! but remember, this is one of the only ways to get an opinion from a complete stranger who is not biased and will look at things with an open mind and offer advice! so, it is worth the time to answer, but ya i do feel that way
You're absolutely right, but when is that going to change, you just have to sift through and find good questions, short and sweet, that's my motto.

I know just what you mean. ';like omg my bff likes my bf but I dont think I like him anymore and omg what do i do!!!1!! Gets to be pretty tiresome.
That and their english skills are sub par and make no sense.. somewhat like yours. Try using the spell checker conveniently located to the right of the paragraph you're typing.
Yeah because half of the time I can't understand what they're talking's hard to follow
F*** u

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